Contact Attorney Brunelle for sound legal advice relating to the petition for or defense of restraining orders.
Unfortunately, many relationships end in the most explosive manner. Where violence or threats of violence exist, the Court has the power to grant Restraining Orders to assist individuals in protecting themselves. In such cases, the priority must always be the protection of one’s own safety. It is also important to act quickly because delay can affect your entitlement to such an Order. Attorney Brunelle has significant experience in obtaining, or challenging a restraining order.
The Protection Laws enable victims of domestic or dating abuse, sexual assault, stalking or harassment to obtain both short term emergency protection and, after hearing, long-term protection. These laws also enable persons accused of abuse, sexual assault, stalking or harassment to defend themselves, and to ask the court to modify (change) or vacate (terminate) any order against them.
There are two types of protection cases — one covers abuse, sexual assault and stalking; the other covers harassment. Protection cases based on abuse, sexual assault and stalking differ in some important respects from protection cases based on harassment, although many procedures apply to both. Both cases are court lawsuits under the Maine Revised Statutes.
What is a Restraining Order?
A restraining order is a protective Court order making it unlawful for the individual served, or named as the aggressor, to have any type of contact, communication, or surveillance of the protected party named in the restraining order, or TRO (temporary restraining order). Stalking, Domestic Violence, Abuse and Harrassment charges are cases in which restraining orders are most commonly served.
Length of A Restraining Order?
The term, or effective length, of a restraining order can last for a period as short as several days up to a term of several years. Violation of a restraining order is a criminal offense and is punishable by jail time, fines, anger management classes, mandatory counseling, and more.
What is a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)?
A Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) is a preliminary restraining order issued by a Judge until the case can be heard, and the need for a protective measure can be validated and justified, except it is for a limited duration. The effective term for a temporary stay away order is typically two weeks, or until the case can be scheduled so the defendant can testify and contest the order. In Maine, TRO’s are usually issued on the word of the person seeking protection.
Do I Need An Attorney?
When dealing with the sensitive and potentially dangerous nature of domestic violence and stalking cases, it is strongly advised that the matter be handled by a qualified and experienced attorney to help ensure that measures for your protection and safety are granted and upheld. Given the sensitive and serious nature of restraining orders, it is wise to consult with a lawyer. Speaking with the proper lawyer will inform you of your rights as well as preserve any possible remedies you may have.
Contact Attorney Brunelle whether filing for a restraining order, or if you must defend against a complaint against you.
Contact Attorney Roger Brunelle today to schedule a free and confidential initial consultation.
75 Pearl Street
2nd Floor, Suite 210
Portland, ME 04101
Phone: 207.699.HELP (4357)
Fax: 207.772.0385